I’ll shutter doors and windows tight

When winter skies are dark and grimy

And stars in sad retreat leave disenchanted city lights to fend their tense alone

And in my silent darkened room, I shall grasp, in wearied hands, a thousand dreamed-up golden strings each crowned in tiny stellar fires that dazzle-dance like mad balloons at far off Carnivàles  

Then via a portal in my mind I’ll fondly free my lucent spray

Chanting as I watch it climb

‘Fly swift, soar high

Ablaze the sky


For now more than a sailor’s want

Forsaken dreamers need you’

(mish 2017)

‘BEJEWELLED’ …original artwork by mish…

Published by mishmoshpoetryandart

My name is Mish Kanafani مش كنفاني. I am an abstract artist who also loves to write. Check out my Kindle e-books MISHMOSH POETRY AND PROSE: A SPECIAL SELECTION and MISHMOOSHIE SHORT STORIES: A SPECIAL SELECTION...also MISHMOSH POETRY AND ART on Facebook and Instagram... I hope you enjoy my blog site.

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